Produkty náramky Tasia (176 )
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Diamond Gris - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, diamond drop and zircon

Diamond Gris - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, diamond drop and zircon

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual bracelet with white drop diamond, zircon and silver dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING. Faceted zircon has a diameter of 1,7 mm, so the bracelet is very delicate and elegant.   ...
Price: € 128
Magnolia - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, pearls and silver

Magnolia - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, pearls and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual bracelet with pearl and silver dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY. Pearl has a diameter of 3 mm, so the bracelet is very delicate and elegant.   "True beauty is the light of the...
Price: € 64
Jasmine - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, pearls and silver

Jasmine - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, pearls and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
  Spiritual bracelet with pearl and silver dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY. Pearl has a diameter of 2mm, so the bracelet is very delicate and elegant.   "True beauty is the light...
Price: € 64
Akasa - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, white topaz, rose quartz and rose gold plated silver

Akasa - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, white topaz, rose quartz and rose gold plated silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
  Spiritual bracelet with white topaz, rose quartz and silver dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING.   "With our thoughts, we make the world."   Ag 925/1000
Price: € 60
Shimeji - thulite bracelet dedicated to the desire for the INNER STRENGTH

Shimeji - thulite bracelet dedicated to the desire for the INNER STRENGTH

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
  Spiritual bracelet with thulite and silver dedicated to the desire for the INNER STRENGTH.   ,,A journey thousand steps long begins with a step one.“   Ag 925/1000
Price: € 68
Ratu Pearl - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, zircon, pearl and gold plated silver

Ratu Pearl - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, zircon, pearl and gold plated silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
  Spiritual bracelet with zircon, pearl and gold plated silver dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY. Faceted zircon has a diameter of 2mm, so the bracelet is very delicate and elegant.   ...
Price: € 84
Lumubaschi - dedicated to the desire for SERENITY, malachite and silver

Lumubaschi - dedicated to the desire for SERENITY, malachite and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual closure bracelet with malachite and silver dedicated to the desire for SERENITY.   "The murky water is cleaned if it stays still."   Ag 925/1000
Price: € 60
Malawi - dedicated to the desire for HAPPINESS, crystal and silver

Malawi - dedicated to the desire for HAPPINESS, crystal and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual closure bracelet with faceted crystal and silver dedicated to the desire for HAPPINES.   "Happines are steps in dewy grass."   Ag 925/1000
Price: € 76
Thymos - dedicated to the desire for INNER STRENGTH with pyrite and silver

Thymos - dedicated to the desire for INNER STRENGTH with pyrite and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Bracelet for men with pyrite and black rohodium plated silver dedicated to the desire for INNER STRENGTH. Larger faceted pyrite is massive 5mm stone, with unique hand cutting, smaller one has a...
Price: € 68
Ithaca - dedicated to the desire for HAPPINESS, howlite and silver

Ithaca - dedicated to the desire for HAPPINESS, howlite and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual bracelet with turquoise howlite and silver dedicated to the desire for HAPPINES.   "Happines are steps in dewy grass."   Ag 925/1000
Price: € 56
Sakota Emerald - dedicated to the desire for DECISION, emerald and silver

Sakota Emerald - dedicated to the desire for DECISION, emerald and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual bracelet with raw emerald and silver dedicated to the desire for DECISION.   "Whatever happens today, remember that the sun will come out tomorrow."   Ag 925/1000
Price: € 84
Elaté - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, white topaz and silver

Elaté - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, white topaz and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual bracelet with white topaz and silver dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING.   "With our thoughts, we make the world."   Ag 925/1000
Price: € 104
Aphroditae - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, zircon and silver

Aphroditae - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, zircon and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual bracelet with zircon and silver dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING. Faceted zircon has a diameter of 3,3 mm, so the bracelet is very delicate and elegant.   "With our thoughts,...
Price: € 168
Kalahari - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, zircon and silver

Kalahari - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, zircon and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual bracelet with zircon and silver dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING. Faceted zircon has a diameter of 3,3 mm, so the bracelet is very delicate and elegant.   "With our thoughts,...
Price: € 120
Matara Zircon - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, zircon and silver

Matara Zircon - dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING, zircon and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual bracelet with zircon and silver dedicated to the desire for AWAKENING. Faceted zircon has a diameter of 3,3 mm, so the bracelet is very delicate and elegant.   "With our thoughts,...
Price: € 148
ANDROMEDAE SET II - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, black spinel and gold plated silver

ANDROMEDAE SET II - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, black spinel and gold plated silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
Spiritual jewelry set with black spinel and gold plated silver, dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY. This elegant set of jewels is made of fine, hand cut Tanzanian black spinel. "True beauty is...
Price: € 156
ANDROMEDAE II - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, black spinel and gold plated silver

ANDROMEDAE II - dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY, black spinel and gold plated silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
  Spiritual closure bracelet with black spinel and gold plated silver, dedicated to the desire for BEAUTY. This elegant jewel is made of fine, hand cut Tanzanian black spinel.   ...
Price: € 60
IPANEMA - dedicated to the desire for DECISION, sapphire and silver

IPANEMA - dedicated to the desire for DECISION, sapphire and silver

Manuf.: Tasia
Expedition: In stock
  Spiritual bracelet with sapphire and silver dedicated to the desire for DECISION. Hand cut sapphire has a diameter of 3 mm, so the bracelet is very delicate and elegant.   ...
Price: € 208
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